Please do not place a request until you have funds in your ClassWish account. You will shop on the Automation Direct site to assemble an order, but you will not place your order with them. Rather, you will assemble the order and then email it to ClassWish for us to place. Please follow these easy directions.
Please do not place a request until you have funds in your ClassWish account. You will shop on the Automation Direct site to assemble an order, but you will not place your order with them. Rather, you will assemble the order and then email it to ClassWish for us to place. Please follow these easy directions.
1. Check Your ClassWish Account Balance and Get Your ClassWish ID#
- Log into http://ClassWish.org. Click “My Account” in the upper right corner of any page other than the home page. The third tab, “Donations Received and Requests Placed,” shows your balance.
- If your request for materials (plus shipping, if any) exceeds your balance, you can make a tax-deductible contribution to your own wish list before or right after you shop.
- Please make note of your ClassWish account number, which appears within the URL of your wish list page.
2. Select the items you need
- When you have funds in your ClassWish account (or are about to add your own funds), go to Automationdirect.com. (To see other vendors for other categories, please go to the home page of this ClassWish-Vendors site).
- Shop like you normally would; simply add items to your cart on that website.
3. Notify ClassWish
- Download this ClassWish Vendor Request Form. Fill in the information on the first page of the Request Form. The second page will ask for you to paste in the contents of the shopping cart.
- Go to the shopping cart screen and "drag to copy" the cart contents.
- Email the form to reguest [AT] ClassWish [DOT] org.
5. Shipping Alternatives
- Two-Day shipping is free for orders $49 and up. Automation Direct will charge a $6 flat rate fee for orders under $49. We will add that charge to your total.
How to attract more donations
See the Wish List Toolkit on your Wish List page.
Share word of ClassWish-Books.org, where shoppers get a 10% discount on every book, and you get a 7.5% donation.
Please spread the word so we can help more kids
Finally, please help us help more teachers and children by spreading the word of ClassWish.org. It only takes a few minutes to tell:
Now is the perfect time to do it!
Thank you very much for this opportunity to help you and your students!
Best wishes,
The ClassWish team
See the Wish List Toolkit on your Wish List page.
Share word of ClassWish-Books.org, where shoppers get a 10% discount on every book, and you get a 7.5% donation.
Please spread the word so we can help more kids
Finally, please help us help more teachers and children by spreading the word of ClassWish.org. It only takes a few minutes to tell:
- Teachers, parents and the PTA at your school
- Teachers in your union
- Teachers in your district
- Teachers you went to college with
- Teachers you know or connect with on social media.
Now is the perfect time to do it!
Thank you very much for this opportunity to help you and your students!
Best wishes,
The ClassWish team
Have any questions? Just email us at Request [AT] ClassWish.org.